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There is surely a QUESTION about ANGELS that you would love to ask but never dared openly asking.
Ask the expert angelology teacher/ writer  Albert Haldane
and you shall be answered

  Your question regarding ANGELS, GUARDIAN ANGELS, may concern personal certainty or uncertainty, recurrent issues, or a new problem just springing from your visit to this web site, or by reading the book Angel Signs, or reading other angel books, or…or…or…







Step 1
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Step 2:
Write and E-mail your question
 in a  message to

Mention your
 1-First Name
2-Date of Birth
3-Country of Origin

4-Indicate the best time to call you
for a 45 min. live conversation over the phone

Albert Haldane  will call you (continental USA only) at that time.



You will receive an-automated e-mail message acknowledging that your order has been accepted.

What will happen next?

I shall personally acknowledge receiving your question and start working on the answer.

I may ask you to provide me with additional details, to insure the accuracy of my answer.

Upon completion - I shall call you personally for a live conversation.

(Bonus: I will send you the ANGEL SIGNS CHAPTER corresponding to your Guardian Angel, containing exact NAME of your guardian Angel, as revealed in the reference book Angel Signs), plus the main Virtues, Powers and Qualities bestowed on you by your guardian Angel at the time of your birth.



Ask your question.

Snow flake
No snow flake is the same as any other!
So are my answers about Angels.

I shall attentively read your question, analyze it, and thoughtfully give you the most honest answer I can fathom.

I shall answer

I cannot guaranty you ALL THE TRUTH on the topic but I do guaranty that I shall endeavor to convey to you ALL THE FACETS of THE TRUTH presently available to me.




More about
 Albert Haldane

Philosopher - Writer - Poet
co-author of Angel Signs
Harper Collins Publishers


One on One relationship

I shall reply to you in the most personal manner, keeping away from generality and oversimplification. My aim is to convey knowledge, enhance awareness, and, in the process, stimulate your own abilities to further search, discover, and ascertain more facets of THE TRUTH on the subject.



Snow flake
No snow flake is the same as any other!
Each question is unique; each answer is unique!

Therefore, please make your question personal; abstain from asking questions on behalf of someone else. If you refer to a belief system, state the principles currently guiding you now, not anyone else, not in the past. Remember, just as no snow flake is exactly similar to another, every query bears the signature of a unique person.



Like hiring a personal philosophical tutor.

Consider this “Question-Response” exchange as a session with your personal philosophical tutor, instructor, professor.  Conversely, at the same time, you will be my preferred student.





 Actual Question and Answer

Question #1:

 I had a psychic tell me that one of my spirit guides is also a Guardian Angel, which would make sense because I am drawn to Angels. She said it was rare, but it does happen.  Is that true?
R. Texas

read the Answer
 Actual Question and Answer

Question # 2

1-Can I have a favorite angel
 2.- Which angel is the closest to me,
 and 3.-How can I ask my angel?

read the  Answer.

  QUESTION # 3: why should I do anything, and learn anything, and Invoke, my guardian Angel will provide for me anyway?

read the Answer
  Question # 4

Read the answer
  Question - Answer # 5

Good News! Because you are seeking help from your guardian angel, you are already on the right path “out of the mess” you say you are “in”.

It is my experience that celestial angels are constantly overseeing our activity here on Earth, whatever we do, think, and feel.  They are thought to intervene efficiently mostly when things are going very bad, and get involved to prevent situations to get worse; but, actually, they always act, in many subtle ways, without intruding.. However, many people are seldom aware of their presence, and therefore they do not clearly distinguish the effects of the angelic intervention, nor perceive the favorable directions the angels are pointing at.

What we need to do is to increase our consciousness of the presence of our guardian angel.

Answering to your question, yes, invoking the guardian angel by NAME, chanting her/his name, is opening communication channels. Angels, perceiving that specific sound frequency, understand that we are making a special effort to get attuned to their level of reality, and realize that we are willing, getting prepared, to appreciate more fully the help they are providing.

Do not forget to express gratefulness for the help you have received, and are receiving.  Surely you will find your own right words, along the following line: “ Thank you Oh  (name of the angel)  for the great help and support you are providing me!
Sincerity is as important as the wording.

Your guardian angel is “talking” to you, always. 




the Angel Book   

Angel Signs
a celestial guide to the powers of your own guardian angel

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Angel Signs
containing the specific information you need to contact your own guardian Angel!

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Free Introduction - Guide to draw more benefits from reading the each chapter.



download your favorite angel's chant
(the name of your giardian angel)

Now on sale $1.85

Voices of the authors of the reference book Angel Signs



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Get Answers
to your Questions!


  There is surely a personal QUESTION about ANGELS that you would love to ask but never dared openly asking.
  Your question regarding ANGELS, GUARDIAN ANGELS, may concern personal certainty or uncertainty, recurrent issues, or a new problem just springing from your visit to this web site, or by reading the book Angel Signs, or reading other angel books, or…or…or…  
Albert Haldane-writer/teacher co-author of the reference book ANGEL SIGNS
shall answer to the best of his ability.
"I am learning more everyday about Angels and best ways to contact them. I am willing to help other persons by answering their questions about the world of angels, spirits...
I may not have have time in the very near future, when I start working on a new book"
Here are questions regarding Angels, Spirits, Saints, you may ask to yourself...
Try to answer....


1-Why are you insisting in claiming that I can know the name of my guardian Angel?  Aren’t you just pretending that you know that name, when in reality you are not even sure yourself the names you are broadcasting are Angels’ names?

2 -Why do I have to learn the name of my guardian Angel?  If a guardian Angel is so benevolent toward me since the moment of my birth, should he not have made aware of his/her name already?  And, likewise, all other people on earth would have learned their Angel’s name from their own Angel.  Obviously, this is not the case, a least among all the people around me.

3 -I feel ill at ease reading that my guardian Angel is watching over so many people who are born on the same day I was born.  How can an Angel be MY guardian Angel and the guardian Angel of millions at the same time?

4- What can I answer to those who say that belief in guardian Angel is irrational and that truth cannot be founded on non rational thought process.

5- Some notions well in vogue in the past have no import in the present time.  Isn’t the notion of Angel, and guardian Angel, a notion of the past that you are trying to revive?  And for what purpose are you attempting that revival?

6- Until now I have been living all my life without ever thinking about Angels and guardian Angels.  Although I am from time to time told that Angels exist, I really think that I do not need to inquire further, because I see no relevance of such beings in any aspect of my life.  It is my observation that the majority of human people are thinking and feeling the same way I do in that matter.  Your effort at informing me (and millions others) seems to be an attempt at misinformation rather than enlightenment. 

7- Human mind has evolved, and only the weakest need clutching at old notions of the past like Angels and Fairies.  Contemporary persons, from which future generations will spring, have other ways, mostly science, to develop and express their mind powers. 


8- Angels are often mentioned in common language or literature, but almost always as a lost treasure, never to be found again.  “Like an Angel”….


9- Bright like an Angel, as fast as an Angel, smiling like an Angel, if I had angel’s wings etc…Reference is very often made to Angels, presented as models of perfection.  But, simultaneously, people are skeptical of the very existence of Angels…Therefore the use of the analogy seems to indicate that perfection cannot be attained  

10 –  My name is Angela. Does that make me be more angelic than those bearing other names?

11- Is there a difference between a Saint and an Angel? If there is, what is it?

12- I was told that we are what we think.  Therefore if I think I am an Angel, I am an Angel.  How do I know that I am becoming an Angel?  Or am I to be “like” an Angel?  Please give me some light!

13 – I am living at the beginning of the 21rst century.  When I need to acquire knowledge about mathematics, physics, biology etc I can find reliable sources rather easily.. Depending on the depth of my interest I can find magazines, books, take classes in schools or universities.  All significant knowledge can be found by the motivated seeker.  But knowledge of similar caliber about Angels seems to be unavailable.  Is it because “angelology” is baseless, unworthy to cultivate, without object?  Or is it that the knowledge is too sensitive, reserved to a few as a secret not to be shared?  Please clarify, if you can…

14 – Angels apparitions, deeds and words are mentioned in those religious books used as documental basis for 3 major religious creeds.  Due to the fact that they are designated as “God’s Messengers”, religious commentators are covering the subject with awe, inviting their audience to bend their heads in wonder rather than sharpen their senses and minds to face the truth in regard with those celestial beings.  What are the other sources of knowledge regarding Angels?  When attending a math class, students are not expected to kneel and pray while the formulas are written on the blackboard…  Are there places where I can learn about Angels without being subjected to “religious postures and sentiments?



Most recent update: 07/05/2013   Most recent review: 07/05/2013

AngelSignsOnline.com Copyrights © 2010-2013 Albert Haldane Simha Seraya   
Update: 07/05/2013