The Power of the Spoken Word

Roger Bacon thus expresses his thoughts in regard with the power of the spoken word:
” We must consider that it has great force; all miracles at the beginning of the world were made by the word.

And the peculiar work of the rational soul is the word, in which the soul rejoices.
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Words have a great virtue when they are pronounced with concentration and great deep desire, with the right intention and confidence. For when these four things are joined together, the substance of the rational soul is moved more quickly to act according to its virtue and essence, upon itself and upon exterior things.”


About angel7

Philosophy Master - Teacher and Writer - Author (with Simha Seraya) of ANGEL SIGNS A celestial Guide to the Powers of Your Guardian Angel (Harper Collins 2002 Manakael MasterWorks 2011)), The Sacred Ten (2011) A Philosophical Novel Decoding the Hebraic Biblical Ten Commandments. Translation of SAINT-YVES D'ALVEYDRE Missions of the Jews (2021)